Starting January 14th:
Let’s Get Social! Social Skills Group for preschool and kindergarten.
Description: The ILAUGH Model of Social Thinking will be utilized to facilitate skills needed in establishing and maintaining friendships among peers. Using the ILAUGH Model, therapists will target Initiation of communication, Listening with eyes and brain, Abstract language, Understanding perspective, Getting the big picture, and Humor. Therapists will utilize games, crafts, and technology to engage participants in therapy activities. This is a fun way for kids to gain a better understanding of social skills as well as practice real life social scenarios with peers under the guidance of a professional.
Let’s Get Talking! Articulation or Phonological improvement for elementary students.
Description: Using the Cycles Approach as well as articulation drills, participants will practice sounds and sound patterns in words to improve their speech sound production abilities. Therapists will utilize games, crafts, and technology to engage children in therapy activities. This is a fun way for kids to practice their speech with a professional as well as enjoy time with peers.