Time to be Thankful

by | Nov 16, 2017 | Community, Latest News

With Thanksgiving around the corner, it is important to slow down our minds to reflect with a
thankful heart. Teaching children to be thankful enhances their happiness, attitude, and
increases positive behaviors. It encourages children to focus on being considerate and
appreciative. As adults, it helps us as well with all the above because we need a reminder too,

I encourage families to create a Thankful Box this holiday season. As a family come together
each night and identify what you are thankful for. This can strengthen the family attachment,
teaches mindfulness, encourages openness, and provides gratitude.

Items needed:
 Kleenex box
 Construction paper
 Markers
 Scissors
 Glue

Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Caitlin Goicoechea, LCPC, NCC
Mental Health Counselor at Children’s Therapy Place



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