What Is An SLP?
What does SLP stand for?
Speech-Language Pathologist
What level of education do SLPs have?
SLPs have a Masters Degree along with a state licensure where they practice
SLPAs (Speech-Language Pathologist Assistant) have an associate’s degree
Speech Sounds
Articulation: motor production of speech sounds. For example, a child with an articulation delay or disorder may produce ‘Tire’ as ‘Tie-uh.’ Other motor speech disorders may include apraxia of speech or dysarthria.
Phonology: use of speech sound patterns. For example, a child with a phonological disorder may use front sounds for back sounds by producing ‘Car’ as ‘Tar.’ Misuse of sound patterns can significantly impact the meaning of their speech.
Expressive and/or Receptive Language: syntax, vocabulary, producing sentences, following directions, and understanding language. An adult with difficulty in these areas may have Aphasia.
Literacy: people with speech and language disorders may also have difficulty with reading, writing and spelling.
AAC: Augmentative Alternative Communication. Involves using other ways to communicate besides verbal output such as: sign language, picture systems, or an app on a Speech Generating Device such as an iPad.
Fluency: or stuttering. This occurs when someone either repeats a sound/word/phrase, prolongates a sound/word, or blocks a sound/word. Fluency can involve secondary behaviors such as head jerking. These difficulties can create a significant emotional impact if stuttering starts or continues into adolescence and adulthood.
Pragmatics/Social Communication: how well we follow social rules, problem solve, engage with others in a conversation, use and interpret body language and facial expressions, and use appropriate voice intonation.
Voice: quality, volume, and pitch of our voice. A desire to improve or change our voice can be impacted by a variety of factors such as vocal abuse (over use, yelling, smoking), disorders such as dysphonia, vocal polyps or nodules, accent modification, or gender transition.
Cognitive Communication: how well our minds work. Problems may involve memory, attention, problem solving, organizing and other thinking skills.
Feeding and Swallowing: how well we chew, suck and/or swallow food. There can also be a sensory aversion component that can impact feeding. Swallowing disorders may also be referred to as dysphasia.
If you or someone you know is having difficulty with the above skills, you can discuss these with your doctor to receive a referral to an SLP.
You can refer to this website: https://www.asha.org/public/
speech/development/chart/ to see if your child ages birth to 5 is meeting the necessary speech and language developmental milestones and discuss any concerns with your doctor to receive a referral. -
Newborn through the geriatric population.
People who can have a variety of diagnoses such as: Autism, Down Syndrome, developmental delays, ADHD, Traumatic Brain Injury, stroke, etc.
Private Clinics
Rehabilitation centers or long term care facilities
Colleges and Universities
Remotely via Teletherapy
What do SLPs do? Evaluate and Treat the following:
How do I know if my child needs to be seen by an SLP?
Who do SLPs work with?
Where do SLPs work?
Written by: Karissa Rutten MS, CCC-SLP