Winter Fun with Speech-Language Goals
by: Annika Tribby, CCC-SLP
1 – Outdoor Play: Get rugged up, put your hats on and play outside.
Ride Scooters
- For early language, use simple words like ‘go’, ‘stop’, ‘fast’, ‘fall’, ‘on’
- Practice that tricky ‘SK’ blend by saying SSScooter
Build Snow People
- Planning skills, write or draw a list of the things you’ll need (snow, sticks, stones, carrot etc.)
- Sequencing skills, talk about the steps as you do them (1st we need a big body, 2nd we need a smaller head).
- Practice some ‘S’ sounds. Snow, Stick, Sun, Smile…
Kick a Soccer Ball
- Turn taking skills – waiting a turn while the other person kicks, saying ‘Your turn’/’My turn’
- Concept learning – understanding ‘left’, ‘right’, ‘faster’, ‘higher’
2 – Books: Choose a Winter themed book and read together under a cozy blanket
Some book recommendations:
Got to Get to Bear’s! by Brian Lies |
Brave Irene by William Steig |
The Thing About Yetis by Vin Vogel |
Winter is Here by Kevin Henkes | Snow by Sam Usher |
Vocabulary – Label things you see, talk about how the page and characters looks (cold, bright, excited, happy).
Inference skills – Have a guess what will happen next.
Recall/memory – Try and have your child tell you what happened when you finish reading. Prompt them with clues if they need. Ask what their favorite part was.
Speech – Choose a sound they are working on in speech and search for a picture in the book that has that sound in it (remember the sound may be hiding in the middle of the word.
3 – Cooking: (hot chocolates, sugar cookies, soup, etc.)
Following directions – Use pictures to help sequence the steps (SEE BELOW FOR EXAMPLE). Use sequence words like ‘next’, ‘then’, ‘last’.
Describing – A great way to add to vocabulary. Use words to describe texture, looks, smells, sticky, wet, soft, squishy, hot, sweet, sour, crunchy etc.
Verbs – Verbs are so important when developing language skills. Use ‘action’ words as you cook (mix, pour, stir, place, cut, pull etc.)