COVID-19 Update

September 30, 2021
Dear CTP Clients, Families and Staff,
The safety of our clients, families and staff remains a top priority at Children’s Therapy Place. Please review the following guidelines for participating in therapy services at all of our clinics.
CTP encourages all clients, families and staff to follow requirements of the CDC. In addition all clients, families and staff will be required to verify a health declaration upon checking in.
Health Declaration
Within the last 10 days have you or any person that you have had close contact with (including any member of your household):
tested positive for COVID-19 or has a medical provider told you/ them to presume that you/they have COVID-19?
had close contact with or been tested for COVID-19 and are awaiting test results?
been advised to quarantine due to possible exposure?
experienced or had any close contact with any person experiencing any of the following COVID 19 like symptoms?
Fever (Temperature of 100.4° F or greater)
Cough or Sore Throat
Muscle Pain
Difficulty breathing
Loss of smell or taste
CTP is doing our best to accommodate client needs by providing opportunities for rescheduling appointments, and can also offer telehealth services as well.
Please feel free to reach out to our clinic at (208) 323-8888 with any questions or concerns.
May 21, 2021
At Children’s Therapy Place (CTP) we have been closely monitoring, proactively addressing, and following the requirements and guidelines set forth by federal, state, and local laws, rules and regulations with respect to COVID-19, and appreciate everyone’s contributions to keeping our clients and each other safe during these unprecedented times. Our offices continue to remain open and we continuing to strive for a Covid-free environment. We are ever watchful of CDC guideline updates and implement them ASAP.
-Children’s Therapy Place
August 4, 2020
Our offices are still open. We are continuing to strive for a Covid-free environment. We are ever watchful of CDC guideline updates and implement them ASAP.
-Children’s Therapy Place
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
Dear Children’s Therapy Place Staff, Clients, and Families:
Children’s Therapy Place continues to recommend following CDC’s updated symptom-based strategies for
COVID-19 response. Specifically, in the event that there is a confirmed case of COVID-19 associated with
one of our locations.
Our policy states that: Children’s Therapy Place will continue to follow CDC guidelines for addressing business operations in the event of a confirmed COVID-19 case including:
• If an individual entered into one of our facilities within a 24 hour period from when they received a
positive diagnosis of COVID-19, that facility will close doors for 24 hours to undergo the
recommended cleaning before opening back up after the 24 hour wait period.
• If a positive diagnosis of COVID-19 occurs on a day following 24 hours of the individual’s entrance of
one of our facilities, all persons who may have come in direct contact with that individual will be
notified immediately. The CDC recommends that those who came into contact with the infected
person continue to follow social distancing protocol when in public and monitor for symptoms.
Quarantine is not required unless symptoms are experienced and/or a health care practitioner
recommends quarantine based on individual circumstances.
• People with suspected or known COVID-19 or individuals who live with someone with suspected or
known COVID-19 can stop home isolation under the following conditions:
– They have had no fever above 100.4* for at least 72 hours or three full days.
– At least 10 days have passed since their symptoms FIRST appeared and they no longer have
a fever, (or if the person never had symptoms, and at least 10 days have passed since the first
positive test).
– All individuals who have had confirmed case of COVID-19 should continue to wear face
coverings at all times when around others until all symptoms are completely resolved.
In addition:
• Sign-in Sheets: All staff, clients and guests who are not normally scheduled to visit a CTP location will be requested to sign in. In the event of a confirmed case of COVID-19 associated with one of our locations, this will help us to confirm and alert anyone who may have been exposed. (i.e. all DDA staff should sign-in to the buildings that they visit, including interchange, Twin Falls, and Nampa).
• Children’s Therapy Place will continue to screen anyone who enters our buildings by taking temperatures and asking related follow-up questions.
Children’s Therapy Place continues to follow strict and frequent sanitization standards. Children’s Therapy Place continues to recommend the use of facemasks within our facilities when feasible.
Children’s Therapy Place
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Dear Children’s Therapy Place Staff, Clients, and Families:
It is recommended that face coverings be worn at all Children’s Therapy Place facilities whenever possible.
Due to continued concern over the COVID-19 Pandemic, Children’s Therapy is recommending that face coverings be worn by those who enter our facilities and who are realistically able to wear coverings. Please see the following guidelines below.
We ask that:
Anyone who is realistically and feasibly (see information below) able to wear face coverings over the age of 2 should wear them
Please wear a face mask when in close contact with others inside our therapy facilities
Staff, children, and family members should refrain from coming to our facility if they have any symptoms such as fever, cough, or shortness of breath. We ask that they not enter until they are well and have been without symptoms for a minimum of 72 hours. Please seek medical care as needed
Individuals with significant underlying health conditions and concerns should continue to not come into the clinic but be seen virtually through teletherapy if able
Children’s Therapy Place continues to follow strict sanitation guidelines at all facilities and screening criteria for those entering our facilities
We continue to encourage parents and family members to wait outside whenever possible during their child’s therapy appointment
Instances where wearing a facemask is not feasible:
Children under the age of 2 should not wear a face mask or a face shield
Pre-school age children may have a difficult time wearing face coverings for extended periods of time. Those who interact with this age group should wear face coverings whenever possible and when feasible
When around individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing and who rely on lipreading for communication
Those with developmental disabilities, cognitive deficits, sensory processing difficulties, tactile sensitivities, and mental health concerns may have a negative reaction to wearing a cloth face covering. It is recommended that these individuals have consultation from a healthcare provider as part of the decision to wear a face covering
Individuals should not wear cloth face coverings when there is a possibility of becoming wet like during
aquatic therapy
Any individual who has a pre-existing health issue where wearing a face mask may make it difficult to breath
Some of our therapy practitioners may not wear face coverings due to the nature of their type of therapy intervention (i.e. speech therapists or mental health counselors). Plexiglass barriers are available at each location for their use when appropriate. Our therapy practitioners will wear face coverings whenever feasible.
Please review the CDC guidelines here for further information and guidance:
Children’s Therapy Place
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Dear Children’s Therapy Place Clients and Families:
All Children’s Therapy Place facilities are re-opening for all services this Friday, May 1st! We are excited to continue to provide much-needed therapy services to the wonderful families and children in Idaho. Teletherapy services will continue to be available for any client that would like to continue to stay at home.
Some important information for clients and families to be aware of as they return to our clinics:
We ask that:
Parents and children refrain from coming to our facility if they have any symptoms such as fever, cough, or shortness of breath. We ask that they not enter until they are well and have been without symptoms for a minimum of 72 hours. Please seek medical care as needed.
Parents and children with significant underlying health conditions and concerns should not return to the clinic but be seen virtually through teletherapy if able. In addition to following all CDC guidelines we have implemented some new clinical policies to create and maintain an environment that is safe and carries a low risk of transmission:
Clients will be checked in prior to entering buildings “curbside” by their therapist at the time of their
If possible, it is recommended that parents wait outside on-premises. Waiting rooms are available if necessary and have been configured to respect “Social Distancing” guidelines. Waiting rooms continue to have limited items for children to interact with.
During check-in at curbside, therapists will request permission from parents to perform a simple screening as we monitor the health of all individuals who enter our facilities. Screenings consist of a temperature check and simple questions about any recent illnesses. Children with temperatures in excess of 100.4* will be asked to return home. Child must be symptom-free for 72 hours to be seen in our facilities. Teletherapy services are always available.
Therapists will begin and end sessions with handwashing using soap and water with your child.
Therapy Staff are following all Social Distancing guidelines when performing therapy and throughout the workday.
The majority of our treatment sessions are conducted in private treatment rooms with limited
exposure to others.
You may see individuals wearing face coverings or working behind a plexiglass shield.
We continue to closely monitor the situation and our top priority is always the safety of your family,
children, and our employees.
Children’s Therapy Place
Friday, March 27, 2020
Dear Children’s Therapy Place Clients and Families:
Due to Governor Little’s “Stay Home” order which took effect March 25th, Children’s Therapy Place offices are closed until further notice. However, your friends at CTP are still here for you and are prepared to meet your child’s needs! We have new fun and creative ways to continue to provide much needed services for your child during the statewide stay home order.-All therapies and counseling services are available online.
(CTP has over 14 years’ experience providing online therapy.)
-CTP therapists utilize multi-service interaction online to provide the best supports for your child
-Many interactive lesson plans are available through teletherapy
-Essential therapies continue to be available in clinic and/or in home (Including Counseling and DDA Services)
We are dedicated to the health and safety of the community and to your child’s continued success and progress.
Children’s Therapy Place
Monday, March 23, 2020
Dear Parents of CTP,
You may notice some changes in our offices in response to COVID-19 concerns. Many of our waiting room materials and toys have been moved or removed. Bookshelves have been turned around. Waiting room furniture may have been reorganized. Therapists have removed many toys from their offices.
With the decrease in materials in our waiting room, you may consider bringing materials for your children or waiting siblings.
Some recommendations may include:
Your own toys
Picture books
Coloring books
Family Pictures
Activity books with crosswords, mazes, etc.
Other writing materials like Boogie Boards, Handwriting Without Tears Worksheets, etc.
Children’s Therapy Place
Monday, March 16, 2020
Dear Children’s Therapy Place Client’s and Families:
As you are aware, Novel Coronavirus, known as COVID-19 is causing great concern currently. Until there is an immediate concern in our area, Children’s Therapy Place (CTP) will remain OPEN. We are taking the spread of COVID-19 very seriously and we are committed to being pro-active and addressing concerns daily. Children’s Therapy Place is following the recommendations and guidelines of the State of Idaho and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to base our planning to respond to the spread of COVID-19.
At this time, we are committed to continuing to provide therapy services to the children in our community. Our numbers are well below what is considered a large gathering. We will continue to monitor this on a day by day basis.
We also have options for how therapy services are provided. Teletherapy is face-to-face therapy using a computer application over the internet. By using teletherapy, your child’s therapist can continue to maintain progress even during illness. Children’s Therapy Place has over 10 years’ experience providing various therapy interventions and services through web-based technology. If this service option is of interest, please reach out to our administrative staff or your child’s therapist to discuss if this option is appropriate for you.
Our staff is following the guidelines as set out by the Centers for Disease Control. We ask that:
- Parents and children refrain from coming to our facility if they have any symptoms such as fever, cough, or shortness of breath. We ask that they not enter until they are well and have been without symptoms for a minimum of 48 hours. Please seek medical care as needed.
- Parents and children to refrain from coming to our facility for two weeks after traveling outside of the country (especially if travel has been to China, Iran, Italy, Japan or South Korea)
We have implemented clinical policies to create and maintain an environment that is safe and carries a low risk of transmission:
- We are sanitizing all surfaces and equipment daily after individual sessions including door handles and light switches
- We are taking the added precautions of cleaning hard surfaces in the waiting room area every two hours since this is a high traffic area
- Therapists with patients at the clinic are beginning every session washing hands for at least 20 seconds and washing again before they leave
- As you are aware, the majority of our treatment sessions are conducted in private treatment rooms with limited exposure to others
- For those family members who do not want to wait in a busy waiting room during this time, a staff member will accompany your child to and from your car if desired. If you choose this option you will need to text your therapist in advance to let them know. Your child’s therapist will return him/her to your car 5 min prior to the end of the appointment to update you on the session
We are closely monitoring the situation and our top priority is always the safety of your family, children, and our employees.
*If you should fall ill with even a common cold, we ask that you call our office and either reschedule your appointment or ask about teletherapy services.
Children’s Therapy Place